
Photo: Shutterstock, 765259060, ZHANGXIAOLI
Power purchase agreements
电力购买协议(PPAs)也被称为电力供应和电力承购协议. Statkraft是欧洲领先的购电协议供应商,提供各种合同模式.

PPAs for plant operators, project developers and investors
十大靠谱网赌提供适用于所有间歇性能源和灵活资产的购电协议,以及 通过银行或股权融资的项目,以实现其发展:
- different pricing models and durations of contract,
- turnkey optimisation for flexible generation,
- physical or financial.

PPAs for commercial and industrial companies
PPAs are power supply contracts. In addition to matching individual procuremenent strategies, 购电协议是极好的对冲工具,可为您的投资组合降低风险:
- different delivery models and contract durations,
- 量身定制的定价方案,以适应您的供应和对冲策略,
- with or without guarantees of origin,
- Statkraft可以用可再生能源覆盖 高达100% 的电力消耗.
Statkraft matches the needs of all parties
能源市场面临的挑战之一是,可再生能源发电厂的所有者和电力消费者的需求并不相同. One wants uninterrupted supply, 另一个则只能根据天气条件发电.
- 由于大量的发电厂组合用水,为消费者提供可预测性和安全性的供应, solar and wind to ensure a steady supply.
- 通过稳定的发电能力,为电厂业主提供财务可预测性和安全性, predictable revenues.

Photo: Lars Petter Pettersen
Since 1895
Statkraft凭借125年的专业开发经验,在全球范围内提供可持续的绿色能源解决方案, building and operating hydropower, solar and wind installations.

Leader in PPAs
In Europe, we are the no. 一家可再生能源生产商和一家领先的电力购买协议提供商. We are Norwegian state-owned and have an A- credit rating.