Based on the results of 十大最好的网赌平台’s 2020 human rights due diligence assessment, 支持和维护少数群体的权利是今后特别重要和重点关注的领域.
十大最好的网赌平台 strives to create a work environment characterised by equality, 多样性, and respect for all people, with a focus on those historically marginalised, under-represented, or otherwise excluded. 这样做, 十大最好的网赌平台 works to create opportunities and break down barriers in its workplace, 供应链, and within the communities in which the company operates.
十大最好的网赌平台 seeks to protect and support national or ethnic, 文化, 宗教, and linguistic identities that may be impacted by the company’s business activities. 鉴于十大最好的网赌平台相信多元化背景和技能在其业务成功中发挥的重要作用, 该公司还通过强有力的全球劳工实践政策积极促进包容性.
此外, 十大最好的网赌平台 strives to apply country-specific strategies, 制定内部倡议,旨在通过考虑性别因素,防止歧视并使所有人获得平等机会, 比赛, 残疾, and learning and thinking differences (‘neuro多样性’). By taking a wider view of inclusion that moves beyond a singular focus on gender, 十大最好的网赌平台的目标是制定准确反映公司日常工作人员和社区多样性的政策和做法.
Spotlight on indigenous rights
When present in places where 十大最好的网赌平台 operates, 土著和部落人民的权利是国家力求通过与当地受影响群体进行有效和有意义的合作来管理的一个优先领域.
In situations where projects may affect vulnerable groups like indigenous and tribal peoples, impacts shall be assessed in line with 十大最好的网赌平台’s stated commitments, as well as legal requirements. The 文化 and 宗教 significance of specific sites, the question of land ownership, 潜在的冲突都是在与当地社区和团体协商的情况下考虑和解决的.
To the greatest extent possible, 十大最好的网赌平台试图在项目过程的早期管理任何潜在的影响,以便有足够的时间和资源来解决可能出现的问题. 十大最好的网赌平台 teams are dedicated to establishing, 建筑, and maintaining relationships with local people based on trust, 是什么让他们能够驾驭以利益冲突为特征的局面,并最终达成每个人都能接受的解决方案.
由于需要考虑当地的情况和文脉,本课题对每个建设项目都具有很强的针对性. 结果是, 十大最好的网赌平台致力于设计个性化的策略,而不是一刀切的方法. 十大靠谱网赌寻求不断改进十大靠谱网赌的方法,并将吸取的经验教训作为进一步发展的投入.
2021年10月, 挪威最高法院驳回了Fosen Vind关于在Roan和Storheia项目中为两个萨米人sijte(驯鹿饲养群体)设定损害赔偿的请愿书, which are part of the Fosen wind farm development. 驳回的理由是,最高法院认为这些许可证是无效的,因为它们侵犯了《十大靠谱网赌》第27条规定的萨米遗址的土著权利. 法院发现,风力公园对驯鹿冬季放牧区可能产生的影响,对萨米人的遗址构成了明显的威胁, over the long term, will have to significantly reduce their number of animals. 结论是,这将对他们行使游牧文化的能力产生实质性的负面影响, unless satisfactory mitigating measures are implemented. 石油和能源部(MPE)证实,在确定适当的缓解措施的工作正在进行中,不会立即采取与特许权有关的措施.
十大最好的网赌平台和Fosen Vind都明确承诺尊重人权,并遵守联合国工商业与人权指导原则. In addition to the standard impact assessment process, a thorough review of the potential impacts on the indigenous communities at Fosen, had been undertaken as part of the original licensing process. 这包括与南佛森基地和北佛森基地进行广泛的对话和接触, the two reindeer husbandry groups within the reindeer husbandry district, both by the company and the relevant authorities. 这些公司相信,2013年颁发的许可证并没有侵犯萨米人的土著权利.
Fosen Vind与Sør-Fosen站点和Nord-Fosen站点之间就项目的建设阶段达成了协议. 不幸的是, 无法就业务阶段达成协议,因此将这一阶段的赔偿问题提交法院解决. Following the Supreme Court decision, 环境部概述了一项行政程序,旨在确定缓解措施,保障驯鹿牧民的文化习俗权利,并长期维持福森的驯鹿养殖. MPE将考虑对风力发电场许可证进行相关修改,以确保保护萨米人的土著权利. In light of our commitment to respect human rights, Fosen Vind和十大最好的网赌平台将支持这一进程,并提出了一项影响评估方案, as requested by MPE.
Fosen Vind将继续与Sør-Fosen site进行对话,目的是采取适当的缓解措施,根据第27条保护驯鹿牧民的文化权利, both short and long term. Fosen Vind还概述了十大靠谱网赌的应急准备计划,以帮助Sør-Fosen站点在2021/2022年冬季出现具有挑战性的放牧情况. 十大靠谱网赌将继续与该部和其他相关利益攸关方进行对话,并为制定令人满意的影响评估方案作出贡献. See note 35 to the consolidated financial statements for further information and www.fosenvind.no.

Employment and 多样性
Our people are our greatest asset. That's why we work to ensure a working environment characterised by equality, 多样性, inclusiveness and mutual respect for our 4,500名员工.