Community Impact
We apply good practices in our operations, 十大靠谱网赌的目标是在十大靠谱网赌开发和运营发电厂的社区产生积极的影响. 为此,十大靠谱网赌采取措施,解决这些社区的重要问题.
Statkraft领导能源转型工作的一个重要方面是,Statkraft的业务必须为公司以及Statkraft运营的国家和社区创造价值. 对社区产生积极影响的基础是Statkraft遵守其业务所在国的法律法规, and takes guidance from relevant international standards and principles[1].
Community engagement
Many forms of energy generation come into direct contact with people’s lives. 太阳能, 风, and hydro are all land-intensive forms of power generation, 受相关活动直接影响的当地社区数量可能会增加. Statkraft决心寻找创新的解决方案,以应对当地社会和经济发展的挑战.
By actively engaging with local communities, Statkraft致力于寻找公司活动也能为社区和国家创造价值的方法. When initiating new 缺点truction projects, Statkraft engages with local stakeholders such as local authorities, community representatives, civil society organisations, and representatives of indigenous peoples to better understand what matters to them, what is expected from Statkraft, and how Statkraft can provide solutions to common challenges. 进一步, Statkraft开展宣传项目,向社区宣传可再生能源项目的好处, and likewise participates in other types of community investment.
例如, 在印度,Statkraft在Tidong水电站开设了一个公共信息中心, and subsequently held several 缺点ultation meetings about cropcompensation. 因此,任何项目开发的一个重要目标是确保土地的任何损失, 生产, or access to resources is compensated in a sustainable way.
Community development
Statkraft根据《十大靠谱网赌》等国际框架评估和管理其影响, 新项目采用国际金融公司的《十大靠谱网赌》. Statkraft通过以下方式将这一国际指南纳入公司流程:
- Statkraft follows the mitigation hierarchy. This means avoid, 最小化, 减轻, or compensate for negative impact from our activities, 包括尽可能探索可行的技术设计和/或选址方案.
- Statkraft promotes long-term community development in our areas of influence. 这将通过与东道国和社区产生协同效应,为十大靠谱网赌投资的长期可持续性做出积极贡献.
- Statkraft systematically engages with, and establishes 缺点tructive and responsive relationships with, our key stakeholders.
Community investments
为了实现对当地社区产生积极影响的目标,Statkraft实施了社会发展计划,旨在最大限度地减少和减轻公司运营的不利影响,同时将十大靠谱网赌的活动带来的好处带给当地社区. Statkraft在十大靠谱网赌的业务所在国与广泛的社区和社会发展倡议合作. In 智利 for example, Statkraft与INACAP技术培训中心和智利技术大学合作,培训40名当地人进行基本基础设施维护. The program focuses on agriculture, improved market access, supporting relevant health campaigns, educational support and skills and leadership training.
Preventing and addressing local environmental impact
为了减缓气候变化,有必要用可再生能源取代化石能源. This means utilising natural resources, and inevitably impacting the environment.
最根本的问题是,考虑到可再生能源的积极效益,这些影响是否可以接受. In Statkraft’s markets, 国家当局旨在通过可再生能源特许权平衡环境影响和自然资源的利用, and Statkraft accordingly integrates the concession requirements in its operations.
By using water for power generation, 国家在管理这一共同资源方面发挥着重要作用,并始终寻求建立负责任的水管理做法. During the development and operation of Statkraft’s hydropower plants, Statkraft与当地社区合作,促进更好地利用水资源和水管理结构.
过去,Statkraft成功地协调了当地社区提高用水效率. In Turkey for example, Statkraft与当地社区协调,提高了Kargi大坝下游灌溉计划的效率,并帮助上游的农民开发了养蜂等新的农业项目. 在秘鲁, Statkraft正在通过确保获得水和改善农田灌溉系统,帮助改善农村地区的生计.

Based on the results of Statkraft’s 2020 human rights due diligence assessment, 支持和维护少数群体的权利是今后特别重要和重点关注的领域.
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