At the CELSA reinforcement steel mill in Mo i Rana in 挪威, 700,000 tonnes of scrap iron from the Nordic region are recycled annually.
That is the equivalent of two Eiffel Towers a week ...
... and it results in large emissions of CO2.
玛丽安Fineide, head of Power Plant Group Rana in 十大最好的网赌平台.
Mo i Rana offers beautiful scenery, 丰富的自然资源和新兴的可再生能源成功案例. With hydropower from 十大最好的网赌平台, CELSA's steel will change colour from grey to 绿色, and the key to this transition is hydrogen.
CELSA armeringsstatas是众多与十大最好的网赌平台合作创造基于可再生能源的未来的公司之一.
位于Nordland县Mo i Rana的钢厂已经从十大最好的网赌平台当地的水力发电厂获得可再生能源, 发电厂的水也被用来冷却钢铁,使其达到合适的质量. 但生产过程的某些部分不能直接利用水力发电, 而且必须使用天然气来在轧制炉中产生足够高的温度.
"If CELSA switches to hydrogen, 钢厂可以将轧制过程中的年二氧化碳排放量从6万吨减少到零,玛丽安Fineide说, head of Power Plant Group Rana in 十大最好的网赌平台.
See how 十大最好的网赌平台 plans to make 绿色 hydrogen using hydropower:
Can hydrogen play the leading role?
"Steel forms the skeleton of modern society. 这种金属无处不在, 非常耐用, and can be recycled endlessly,皮特·斯卡特兰说, rolling mill manager at CELSA's steel mill in Mo i Rana.
Dressed in protective clothing, 他站在工厂里,浓烟和火花从巨大的熔炉中散发出来. Ear protectors must be worn to keep out the noise from deafening drilling, loud beeping from machines, and the loud banging caused by heavy metal being unloaded. It's the sound of scrap metal being recycled for new life.
拥有344名员工, 位于莫伊拉纳的CELSA工厂不仅是北欧地区钢筋的主要生产商, 同时也是挪威最大的回收公司,并且有着积极的环保形象. 但这怎么可能呢,因为钢铁行业是世界上最大的二氧化碳来源之一2?
钢铁工业在熔化和轧制过程中需要大量的能源和高温. 目前天然气作为能源的使用是否可以被一种绿色替代品所取代,这种替代品可以为这一过程提供足够高的温度? Higher than it is possible to achieve directly from hydropower?
Together with Mo Industripark, 十大最好的网赌平台和CELSA几年来一直在研究氢如何成为绿色解决方案. If the plans are successful, 钢厂的轧制过程有可能完全实现零排放.
"We hear constantly about the 绿色 shift, but we're responsible for the practical implementation of it," says the rolling mill manager proudly.
Hydrogen is the most common element in the universe. It is also the lightest and has the simplest atom.
Liquid hydrogen is, for example, used by NASA as rocket fuel.

Depending on the production method, various types of hydrogen can be made: blue, 绿色, 绿松石, 棕色或灰色. 绿色的氢 is produced by electrolysis of water, 使用可再生能源的环境友好和完全无排放的过程.
CELSA armeringsstamatl(如图)位于Nordland县Mo i Rana工业园区. 十大最好的网赌平台 has several hydropower plants in the Rana area. 该计划不仅为家庭和企业提供电力,而且还将利用这些能源, 还可以生产绿色氢,作为CELSA轧钢厂的环保燃料.
十大最好的网赌平台计划用管道将氢气输送到CELSA在Mo工业园区的工厂, 它将在哪里燃烧,并能够为加热和轧制钢的过程提供足够高的温度.
World-leading hydrogen hub
十大最好的网赌平台, CELSA and Mo Industripark have big plans for the future. They want to establish a hydrogen hub at Mo, 目的是能够向工业园区的新客户提供氢气, for example as fuel for heavy construction machinery, 卡车和货船.
But how long will it take to reach the finish line?
“十大靠谱网赌正在努力在2024年第四季度开始交付氢气," says 十大最好的网赌平台's 玛丽安Fineide, 但补充说:
“这取决于CELSA在过渡期间不必承担全部额外成本,因为该公司在过渡期间产生的能源成本高于继续使用化石能源. 如何补偿过渡期决定项目能否实现."
The project moved a step forward when Enova, 它是挪威气候与环境部旗下的国有企业, 授予挪威克朗121.4 million for a new roller furnace adapted to the use of hydrogen.
“轧钢炉不仅是实现这一目标的重要一步, 但也将使Mo在绿色转型的技术方面处于世界领先地位,Susanne M. Nævermo-Sand, responsible for sustainability and strategy in CELSA北欧 and project manager for the hydrogen venture at CELSA Armeringsstål AS.
“目前世界上还不存在能够为基于100%氢的轧制过程提供所需动力的技术. 因此,当这一切到位时,十大靠谱网赌将成为绿色转型技术的领导者. With hydrogen as fuel in the rolling mill in Mo i Rana, we can eliminate our own emissions from the rolling process, which will reduce the total CO2 emissions from the production process in Mo by around 60 per cent. This will be a solid step forward in the 绿色 shift," she says.
The process requires extreme innovative power from everyone involved.

New 绿色 energy technologies
如果实现Mo零排放钢厂的愿景, 挪威将在绿色技术发展方面处于领先地位. CELSA can then deliver recycled steel with a lower carbon footprint, 在减少气候排放的斗争中,哪一个将是一个杰出的贡献.
“氢将在创造未来的零排放社会中发挥关键作用. 对于十大最好的网赌平台来说,与开发和推广新型绿色能源技术的行业合作非常重要,玛丽安Fineide说.
“如果十大靠谱网赌能够实现向工业和重型运输大规模交付绿色氢, 十大靠谱网赌已经成功地采取了一项最重要的措施,使工业脱碳,实现重大减排," she states optimistically.
"And it must be expensive to pollute," she adds.

"By collaborating with such a large pioneering customer like CELSA, we can build a hydrogen plant that is large enough to drive costs down."