电动汽车s are increasingly being seen on Norwegian roads. But are they really more climate-friendly than fossil cars?
An electric car that uses electricity from clean, renewable sources produces no greenhouse gas emissions. 一辆汽油动力汽车平均每年排放2吨二氧化碳, 然而,一些人仍然声称电动汽车并不比“化石燃料汽车”更环保。. 是这样吗??

维大艾德 is CCO of eMobility company Mer, a Statkraft company.
关于气候友好型电动汽车“究竟”如何的争论不时出现在报纸和社交媒体上. The temperature in the debate can be very high. Some people want to ban electric vehicles, 或者至少取消他们在挪威享受的所有福利,比如免收公路通行费, free parking and the right to drive in bus lanes. 主要的论点是,这些激励措施与气候效益并不相符, 而且生产电动汽车需要大量的能源,你还不如开一辆化石燃料汽车.
The editorial staff at the Norwegian website Faktisk.no has refuted one stubborn myth that electric cars produce twice as much greenhouse gas as fossil cars (website text in Norwegian).
We have asked 维大艾德, who is CCO on Statkraft's eMobility company Mer, to look at some other common claims about electric cars.
Some myths and facts about electric cars
1. "If we are concerned about what is best for the climate, 十大靠谱网赌应该把钱花在碳配额上,而不是补贴昂贵的电动汽车."
Answer: 电动汽车s are best for the climate, 而且,气候配额并不能解决机动车尾气排放问题. If you buy a new fossil car now, 它将在汽车人口中存在多年,并“锁定”化石燃料消耗和温室气体排放. 也有强烈的迹象表明,电动汽车的价格将大幅下降, 这进一步削弱了气候配额更便宜的论点.
2. “生产电动汽车比生产传统汽车需要更多的能源, especially on account of the batteries. 因此,电动汽车必须行驶更长时间才能被认为是零排放汽车."
答:电池的生产会产生温室气体排放, 但这主要是因为电池是在亚洲和中国生产的. The power mix is becoming cleaner there, too. 当十大靠谱网赌最终可以用可再生能源生产电池时, the batteries will be free of "built-in" emissions.
3. "挪威 is part of the European power market. 因此,十大靠谱网赌不能说十大靠谱网赌的电动汽车是靠挪威的清洁水电驱动的. The power we use is also produced from coal and gas."
答:挪威墙上插座的电力主要来自水电, but since we both buy and sell power, 有时可以用国外的煤发电. 然而, 生命周期研究表明,电动汽车比化石燃料汽车更环保, regardless of power mix.
4. “电池是一颗环境定时炸弹,因为它们不能重复使用. 它们中的许多最终被填埋,污染了环境."
答:电动汽车电池不会最终被扔进垃圾填埋场——它们太有价值了. 今天, 电池通常在电力系统中获得新的生命,以支持风能和太阳能的分阶段使用. 在那之后,回收它们是值得的,因为它们含有有价值的材料.

5. “电动汽车数量的增加增加了电网的负荷. 为了满足需求,必须建造更多的桅杆,增加更强大的电缆."
Answer: The power grid can easily handle more electric cars, 尤其是当十大靠谱网赌越来越能控制汽车在白天和晚上充电的时候. 十大靠谱网赌需要加强电网并非源于电动汽车, but from increasing electrification in general.
6. “拥有电动汽车的人不再使用公共交通工具,从而导致整体交通流量增加."
Answer: I'm not sure about this, 但很明显,公交专用道的开通和通行费的降低, as we have in 挪威, can make it more attractive to use electric cars. 随着时间的推移,这些好处将消失,然后更多的人将再次选择公共交通.
7. "People who buy electric cars often own several cars, so they do not contribute to reducing the number of cars."
越来越多的人把电动汽车作为他们唯一的汽车. 可能有一些以前只有一辆车的人现在也在购买电动汽车. 许多本来会有两辆车的人,现在把电动汽车作为第二辆车. 在短期内,这可能会导致更多的汽车,但不一定是更多的汽车在路上.
8. “汽车电池的生产对稀缺和不可再生资源是有害的, especially lithium and other precious metals. This is not sustainable. "
回答:说电池资源稀缺是不正确的. Metals such as cobalt and lithium are found in many places, 但短期内会出现短缺,因为需求每年都在增长. 然而, 电池制造商一直在努力减少最昂贵金属的使用, 最终十大靠谱网赌会得到与现在完全不同的电池.
9. “电动汽车会产生更多的颗粒物,因为它们更重,对沥青的磨损也更大."
Answer: The heavier the car, the more particulate matter is produced from wear on the asphalt, 而且电动汽车通常比同等的化石燃料汽车重. 另一方面, electric cars produce no particle emissions or engine noise, which are significant problems with fossil cars.